Hashspot #2 | Berlin Blockchain Week

Hashspot #2 | Berlin Blockchain Week

Hashspot is a regular Meetup series specifically designed for blockchain developers and software engineers interested in furthering their understanding, expanding their network or seeking new opportunities in the Distributed Ledger Technology space.

Join us: https://www.meetup.com/Hashspot-Berlin-Blockchain-Devs/

The second Hashspot meetup took place yesterday at Advanced Blockchain AG's offices in Berlin. The event was organised by LONGHASH and Advanced Blockchain AG as a Berlin Blockchain Week special edition.

The evening saw an impressive line up of guest speakers share their views on a broad range of topics - from token behaviour to DAG technology to consensus algorithms and more.

Despite the high-level of discussion and speakers, we stayed true to our informal, 'living room' vibe - encouraging friendly discussion and debate, rather than the typical speaker / audience monologues we've become accustomed to. This is something we're very much intent on maintaining in future Hashspot meetups.

Our first speaker, Alpha Wallet co-founder James Sangalli spoke about TokenScript - a new language to define token behaviour in a Web3 world, before Amine Ünal gave us a technical explanation of how consensus algorithms work, using ZkSystems' consensus mechanism as an example. Max Mailuk, CTO of Legal Nodes, also drew our attention to how the security of a tech start-up is as important as its legal compliance and that it is therefore not only important to employ the best security practices, but also to inform every developer of how to deal with security breaches beforehand.

Pavel Fomenko, CTO of peaq, then opened up insightful dialogue on DAG Technology as he explained the concept in both theoretical and practical terms. We then moved on to a long discussion session focused mainly on issues with security, reaching decentralised consensus with DAGs and creating greater efficiency and collaboration in the blockchain space.

From general group discussion we moved onto smaller group discussions and networking. Connections were made, debates were wrapped up and another successful Hashspot event came to an end.

We captured bits of the evening on our Instagram stories. Follow and enjoy some behind the scenes shots.

We'll announce the next event over the next few days.
Join the Hashspot Meetup group to be notified:

Hashspot | Berlin Blockchain Devs

Berlin, DE
82 Mitglieder

Hashspot is a regular Meetup series created for blockchain developers and software engineers interested in furthering their understanding, expanding their network or seeking n...

Check out this Meetup Group →

We'll also be launching a Slack channel to get discussion going on topics for future events. You can follow us on Twitter to be notified about when that's public.